Jewelweed Balm


Jewelweed, (Impatiens capensis)

Ingredients: Jewelweed leaves and stems, Olive oil, Beeswax

Locally Sourced at Forgotten Roads Farm, on Rock Lick Creek, in KY.

By Cheryl Martin. "I carry a tin of this balm around with me during bug season. It works great to stop itching for about 2 hours!"

Jewelweed is often found growing right next to poison ivy or stinging nettles. It has been used successfully to treat skin ailments, including eczema, bug bites, nettle rashes, and fungal infections.

Additionally, Jewelweed effectively addresses afflictions imposed by coming in contact with Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac. In addition, it helps soothe the irritations resulting from Mosquitoes, Chiggers, stinging insects, and bugs that leave swollen, itching, irritation.

